Rule and Regulations
Mt. Carmel Cemetery is a non-profit Catholic cemetery on holy ground and reserved for the internment of the deceased and or cremated human remains. It’s dedicated to God and the memory of the departed. It’s a record of yesterday and a place of peace and quiet today. All of God’s children are welcomed at Mt. Carmel Cemetery.
Section A. Burial Rights
1. This certificate entitles the purchaser the right to use the specific burial plots for human internment upon full payment.
2. Upon full payment of the purchase price, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Burial Rights
3. The rights of this certificate apply to the holder, or those entitled to act on their behalf.
4. The holder shall not assign or transfer the Certificate of Burial Rights. The Certificate of burial Rights is for the interment of human casket or cremated remains and not for resale. Assignments, transfers or resale of burial plots shall only be made through cemetery management and a fee will be applied.
5. No interment shall be allowed on any plot in which there are unpaid charges.
6. A single burial plot has the dimension of 5’ x 10’.
7. A single burial plot for cremation has a dimension of 2’ x 2’.
8. Only one burial is allowed in a single burial plot.
9. Unused Graves: Unused graves may be used by the direct descendant of the purchaser. Many have no living descendants to use open sites. When the cemetery board determines such conditions exist, gravesites will be reclaimed by the board and re-sold.
10. Mausoleums: Family and Private. When a mausoleum is desired a certified set of architectural and engineering drawings may be required to select an appropriate space. Once a suitable space is selected, a square foot price of area to be needed will be decided on and shall be paid for at that time. A certified architectural and engineering plan must be approved by the Board of Directors. An insurance certificate of an appropriate amount for liability and workmen’s compensation will be necessary, and a performance and payment bond may also be required. A plan and work schedule for the construction must be provided and approved by the board. All steps of the mausoleum installation must be approved by the board as well as all payments due, paid in advance of all operations.
Section B. Memorials and Monuments
1. Each purchaser or those entitled to act on their behalf are free to select a marker or monument from any memorial dealer. ONLY concrete, granite or marble, that is used for monumental head or foot markers, is allowed to be placed on plats. All memorials and monuments including bases and foundations MUST stay within the dimensions of the plot.
2. All fees must be paid in full before any memorial, monument, foot marker or military marker is place in the plot. Approval must be obtained from Mt. Carmel Cemetery management prior to placing on lot.
3. Cremation markers in the Cremation Garden must be flush with the ground and no large than the lot size of 2’x 2’, unless additional plots are purchased. Military Service markers may be used in the Cremation Garden.
4. Foot markers and Military Service Veteran’s markers must be flush to the ground. All markers including bases and foundations must stay within the dimensions of the purchased lot.
5. Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Inc., it’s owners, management, board members, employees, or sub-contractors shall not be held responsible in any way for any loss or damage to the purchaser’s memorial, monument, or foot marker, caused by the elements of the weather, an act of God, common enemy, thief or any unavoidable accidents.
6. Burial Rights Space-markers: Outside monument companies. Markers shall be granite 4”x4”x8”. Markers should be paid for and delivered to Mt. Carmel Cemetery with a paid receipt. A burial space may be one or more spaces per family. Mt. Carmel Staff will set markers and the charge is $75.00 per family space.
7. Foundations: On Jan. 11, 2016, the Mt. Carmel Cemetery Board adopted a regulation that Mt. Carmel Cemetery would install foundations for all mausoleums, monuments, markers and appurtenances, used in Mt. Carmel Cemetery. Outside companies are to pay the foundation cost at the time of order.
Section C. Vault/Outer Burial Container
1. All burials require a casket or urn.
2. A vault or outer container is required for all burials.
Section D. Grounds
1. Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Inc. has exclusive control of all planting, care and maintenance of all trees, shrubbery, and grass. It also retains the right to ingress and egress over burial plots, and the right to use such area necessary for proper functioning of the cemetery.
2. The purchaser if a paid in full plot must obtain written permission and approval from Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Inc., it’s management and board members for any planting or trees, shrubbery and or flowers. If approved the placement must be within the purchaser’s plot dimensions and must not interfere with any existing burials, future burials and monuments of said plot and surrounding plots.
3. Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Inc. its owners, management, board members, employees or sub-contractors shall not be held responsible in any way for any loss or damage to existing or future trees, shrubbery or flowers on burial plots.
4. Only floral vases that are made of metal, concrete, granite or marble may be affixed to purchaser’s monument and is the only approved place for floral arrangements.
5. Only concrete, granite, or marble that is used for monumental head or foot markers shall be placed on plots. NO glass, ceramic, metal, wood, plastic, concrete, granite or marble object of any kind that would interfere with the routine maintenance of the plot be allowed. IF such items are placed on the burial plot, Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Inc. management reserves the right to remove and dispose of such items.
6. Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Inc., its owners, management, board members, employees or sub-contractors shall not be held responsible in any way for any loss or damage of floral arrangements, glass, ceramic, metal, wood, plastic, concrete, granite or marble objects of any kind.
Section E. Grounds
1. A fee for perpetual care is required for each plot. Upon use of the plot, this fee for perpetual care is awarded to Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Inc., for maintenance.
2. Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Inc., its owners, management, and board members reserve the right to amend the rules, regulations and conditions as deemed necessary for the betterment of the cemetery.
Section F. Non-Profit
Non-profit: Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Inc., is a non-profit corporation that is set up and operated according to the rules and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service of the United States and the State of Kentucky.